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Application for access to the archives of Lumen Christi Parish

  1. I hereby apply for access to archival documents held under the jurisdiction of the Dean of the Cathedral of St Francis Xavier, Wollongong and Administrator of Lumen Christi, Catholic Parish Wollongong (hereafter
    referred to as ‘Dean and Administrator’)
  2. I understand that access to documents shall not be granted except by resolution of the Dean and Administrator.
  3. I understand that no publication of these archives, or extracts there from, shall be undertaken without the written permission of the Dean and Administrator. Approved publication must acknowledge the Archives Office, Lumen Christi Catholic Parish Wollongong as the source of any quotations or extracts.
  4. I understand that photographic or other copies of records may be made only with permission of the Dean and Administrator.
  5. I understand that permission to copy any document may be refused, eg if copying is likely to damage it, or for any other reason.
  6. I understand the Archivist would locate the documents for me and researching would be under the supervision of the Archivist. The Archivist would be responsible for returning the documents to the archives. The fee for the location and returning of documents is $60.00 per hour. Photocopying of documents is 35¢ per page.
  7. I acknowledge that the Dean and Administrator of the Cathedral does not authorise and accepts no responsibility for the publication by me of any defamatory matter which may be contained in any of the documents, and I hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the Dean and Administrator and his staff against all claims, actions and proceedings which may be made or brought, in respect of any publication or use made by me of any document or information comprised in the said documents, and against all costs of resisting or defending any such claims, actions and proceedings.
  8. I understand that any documents in these archives may be the subject of copyright. I understand that the onus is on me to seek permission in writing from the owner of the copyright to publish the contents of such a document in whole or in part.
  9. I understand that permission is required from any Religious Institute for access to any documentation relating to that Institute.
  10. I under take not to sell or give away, without written permission of the Dean and Administrator, any photographic or other copies obtained from the archives of the Lumen Christi Catholic Parish Wollongong.
  11. I understand that documents and information comprised in these archives may be made available to me only on application, and that in the application
    I am required to indicate:
    1. The purpose of my research;
    2. The scope of my research, with special emphasis on those aspects for which documents and information comprised in the said archives are necessary;
    3. The potential value of my research for academic or official reference;
    4. If applicable, the university or other institution associated with my research and my study supervisor.
  12. If pursuant to any special application made by me, I am granted access to documents and information comprised in these archives, not yet released for open access, I hereby undertake:
    1. That I shall not reproduce or cause to be reproduced, any notes, copies, transcripts or quotations taken by me from the said records without permission in writing, and if so required I shall surrender all or any such notes, copies, transcripts, or quotations.
    2. That I shall regard all documents and information comprised in the said records as having been entrusted to me in confidence and acknowledge that it is my duty to treat such documents and information as secret until I am authorised by the Dean and Administrator to communicate, divulge or release the same to any other person.
    3. That I shall seek authority to communicate, divulge or release such documents and information to another person by making written application to the Dean and Administrator and by submitting to him any manuscript thesis, article or other publication that is based on the said documents and information.
    4. That in submitting to the Dean and Administrator any such manuscript, thesis, article or other publication for clearance, prior to communicating, divulging or releasing it to another person, I shall fully and clearly indicate the Lumen Christi Catholic Parish Wollongong archives used as a basis for the said manuscript, thesis, article or publication, with specific identification of particular items, documents or information used in relation to particular sections.

Applicant Details

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Profession or Occupation (University or other Institution with which associated)

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Reason for Research

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