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Make A Donation

If you would like to contribute financially to the running of the parish we make this possible in a number of ways.

If you can afford to make a regular contribution the best way to do this is to join the planned giving program. This enables the parish to have a steady source of income from which we can pay our bills and plan on how we can best service our community. Please contact the parish office for more details.

For those people where a regular weekly or monthly commitment is not possible but also don't want to put cash on the plate at Mass we have a 'donate' button where you can make adhoc donations. This allows you to contribute when you can and however much you can afford. Donate now by clicking on the Make A Donation button below.

Are you thinking of the kind of gift that keeps on giving even after you have stopped? By leaving us a gift in your will or contributing to our endowment fund your gift ensures that we have money into the future to continue the parish you helped us build. Click here to go to our Bequests page.

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Donate via EFT

To make a donation via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), please do so by the following.

Acc Name: Lumen Christi Parish
BSB: 066 711
Acc No. 008056
Payment reference: Full name – “Donation”