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Marriage Enquiries

Please read these details very carefully to ensure you understand the conditions of having your wedding in Lumen Christi Parish.

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Only Catholic Weddings are permitted in a Catholic Church.  For a Catholic Wedding, at least one party must be of the Catholic faith.

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Please refer to Marriage Tribunal – Phone (02) 4222 2409 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please read the below conditions and Click “I Agree” or “I Don’ t Agree” at the bottom of the page.


St Francis Xavier Cathedral, St John Vianney Co-Cathedral, St Brigid’s Church & Mater Dolorosa Church

Thank you for choosing Lumen Christi Parish in which you will celebrate your Christian Marriage. Whether you are a parishioner or a visitor you are welcome in our Parish. We are delighted to be such a significant part of your wedding day.

The following information will help you to organize your very important day. The liturgical aspect of your wedding is the most important part of your day. So, please ensure that you contact the Celebrant (priest) early:

  1. to discuss the ceremony itself (that is, to choose the Prayers, Scripture Readings, and music),
  2. to explore the meaning of a Christian Marriage (that is, a marriage celebrated according to the Rites of the Catholic Church).
  3. a preliminary appointment needs to be made at least 6 months prior to Wedding Date (No Sunday weddings in our parish)

The Catholic Church requires that a suitable marriage preparation course is done by the couple. CatholicCare Wollongong (and other dioceses) provides such a course. Your celebrant/local priest will discuss the matter with you. Details of the program and location can on the CatholicCare website ( or call 4227 1122 for CatholicCare Wollongong.

If the bride and/or groom have been married previously then the required annulment or dispensation needs to have been obtained well before the wedding date, before the marriage is booked in.

Please take note of the following:

  1. Weddings are celebrated at 2pm and 4pm – There are no Sunday Weddings in our churches.
  2. If the celebrant of your marriage is not a priest of this diocese then you must have him contact the Parish Office. All visiting priests must have the Bishop’s permission to celebrate in the Wollongong Diocese. This includes clearance procedures for child protection (
  3. The flowers are arranged by Primavera Flowers. If you wish to discuss details, they may be contacted on (02) 4226 2887.
  4. For music at your wedding: you are required to use one of our organists. The usual organists for weddings are: Mr Paul Mason (0414 436 017), Mrs Fiona Carolan (0413 121 383) and, Mrs Helen Hill (0401 932 457). Payment is made directly to the organist. Only suitable liturgical music may be played.
  5. Photos and videos are permitted in our churches. Photographers and video recordists must not enter the sanctuary. They should introduce themselves to the celebrant well before the wedding commences.
  6. It is important that the wedding commences on time!
  7. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted on the church premises.
  8. The donation is $880.00. A non-refundable deposit of $250.00 is to be made at the time of booking. Bookings will only be confirmed once the deposit has been made.
  9. Please make the remainder of donation to the Parish Office (located at 36 Harbour St, Wollongong, next to the Cathedral) at least one month prior to your wedding day. Payments can be made online

To ensure that your wedding day is memorable for you and your families and guests, we ask that you follow these guidelines for the churches in the Lumen Christi Parish [Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral, Wollongong, Saint John Vianney’s Co-Cathedral, Fairy Meadow, Mater Dolorosa Church, Balgownie and Saint Brigid’s Church, Gwynneville]. You have requested to celebrate your wedding in the Catholic Church. Therefore, the following points are important not only for you, the happy couple, but also for your wedding party and all your guests. These points become part of your planning and preparations:

1] As a general policy, wedding rehearsals are NOT held in our parish. You should familiarise yourself with the Church at the time of booking and during the period of your preparation.

2] The Catholic Church marks the various important feasts and seasons with liturgical colours (white, purple, red, green) as well as with decorative images (statues, sacred spaces, Nativity scenes ...). These are not to be moved. All liturgies in the church occur with these sacred symbols present.

3] Music must be appropriate to the church setting. Our organists have a wide repertoire of appropriate liturgical music. All secular music (and “romantic love lyrics” should be kept for the reception ceremony. If necessary, recorded music may be used but should be classical and instrumental only.

4] Alcohol and drugs before, during and after the wedding ceremony on the Church precinct are forbidden. Your marriage is a sacramental covenant and a legal contract. The validity of a marriage is in doubt when alcohol and/or drugs are consumed.

5] Punctuality is both important and courteous. The organist commences at the stipulated time. Often there is more than one wedding celebrated on the one day. Mostly, the priest has more than the one commitment on the day of your wedding.

6] In the case of unforeseen lateness the priest and the congregation are to be informed through one person in the wedding party. The ceremony may then need to be shortened.

7] Photographs outside the Churches are to be taken before the stipulated starting time. Photographs may be taken after the ceremony at the main entrance of the Church. The photographer should introduce him/herself to the priest well before the ceremony. He/she should not enter the sanctuary area of the Church at any time.

8] Please inform your guests that we do not allow confetti/petals being thrown in the Church or the grounds. Behaviour appropriate to the church setting is to be upheld at all times during the wedding.

9] Pew decorations are the responsibility of the couple. Use only ribbon or elastic ties. Such decorations need to be removed after the wedding.

10] You are required to complete the Form 14 Commonwealth Government Declaration prior to the wedding date. Your celebrant will arrange a convenient time for you to do this.

11] The wedding cannot proceed until payment is made to the parish office.

You have chosen to have your marriage blessed by Lumen Christi Parish. We will do everything to ensure your wedding is happy and memorable, and we only ask that you give this part of the day at least as much attention and preparation that goes into the rest of the celebration.

The staff of the Lumen Christi Parish wishes you every blessing in your journey towards your marriage and the years beyond.

Lumen Christi Catholic Parish

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^ Please note: only one booking per Wedding couple is permitted when selecting a May be Available date (multiple dates will not be accepted and will jeopardise your booking). Your May be Available date is not confirmation of your booking until final email approval has been given from the General Manager of the Parish. 

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If outside the diocese the priest would need to request permission to minister ( permission will need to be granted prior. 

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