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Understanding the Jubilee indulgence

Pope Francis invites us to rediscover the boundless mercy of God through the Jubilee Plenary Indulgence (complete forgiveness of the temporal effects of sin, such as spiritual consequences of forgiven sins). This extraordinary gift of grace is offered to all the faithful who are truly repentant (feeling deep sorrow for sins committed), free from attachment to sin (a deliberate decision to avoid sin in all forms), and sincerely seek God’s forgiveness and renewal. The indulgence allows us to experience the transformative power of reconciliation with God and others.

To receive this gift, the faithful are called to:

  • Be purified through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • Receive the Holy Eucharist with a heart open to grace.
  • Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
  • Embrace a spirit of charity and humility.

What is an indulgence?

An indulgence is a sign of God’s abundant mercy, extended through the Church to free us from the residual effects of sin (the spiritual harm left behind even after sin is forgiven). While the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession of sins to a priest) forgives sins, an indulgence helps to heal the lingering wounds caused by sin, enabling a person to grow in holiness. This grace strengthens us to love more fully and avoid falling into sin again.

As Pope Francis reminds us, “The Jubilee indulgence is a way of discovering the unlimited nature of God’s mercy” (Spes non confundit). Through this grace, we grow closer to God and share in his divine love and mercy.

How to obtain the Jubilee indulgence

During the Holy Year of 2025, the faithful can obtain a plenary indulgence (complete forgiveness of the temporal effects of sin) by fulfilling all the following general conditions:

Detachment from sin

Foster a true desire to avoid all sin, even venial sins (minor sins that harm but do not completely sever our relationship with God). This involves a commitment to turn away from sin and turn toward God.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) within 20 days before or after the indulgenced act.

Eucharistic Communion

Receive Holy Communion (the Body and Blood of Christ), ideally on the same day as performing the indulgenced act, to strengthen your union with God.

Prayers for the pope’s intentions

Offer prayers for the intentions of the pope (for the good of the Church and the world), such as an Our Father, Hail Mary, or other prayers.

Additionally, after completing the four foundational steps, the faithful must perform one or more of the following specific acts to gain the plenary indulgence:


Visit one or more of the six designated Jubilee sites in the diocese (see below) and participate in prayers or liturgical celebrations. This may include attending Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying the Rosary, meditating on the Word of God or devotional practices offered at the site. It is also recommended that pilgrims, either personally or communally, recite the Holy Year Pilgrim’s Prayer.

Acts of charity and mercy

Follow Christ’s call by serving those in need: visiting the sick, aiding the poor, comforting the sorrowful, and supporting the marginalised. This also includes defending life at all stages, from the unborn to the elderly, volunteering to help abandoned children, struggling youth, the needy, or migrants, and caring for God’s creation as a reflection of gratitude and stewardship. Each act, offered with a prayerful heart, can merit an indulgence, especially when repeated during the Jubilee Year.

Spiritual growth and formation

Engage in spiritual retreats, catechetical programs, or study the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Bishop Mascord also urges the faithful in the Diocese of Wollongong to use Come and See Go and Make – A Vision for Parishesusing the diocesan resource documents and videos, produced for this purpose.

Fasting and self-sacrifice

Embrace penance (acts of spiritual discipline) through fasting, abstaining from unnecessary distractions, and dedicating resources to help the poor and vulnerable.

Papal blessing

Receive a papal blessing imparted by Bishop Brian Mascord at one of his Jubilee site visits soon to be announced in our diocese. This includes all associated indulgences under the usual conditions.

For those unable to travel

The faithful who are unable to visit pilgrimage sites due to serious reasons, such as illness or imprisonment, can unite spiritually with the Jubilee. By offering prayers, meditations, or acts of mercy where they are, they can still obtain the indulgence under the usual conditions. Pope Francis emphasises that this inclusion ensures that everyone can partake in God’s mercy, regardless of their circumstances.

A gift of mercy for the living and the dead

Faithful may offer the plenary indulgence on behalf of deceased loved ones, aiding their journey through purification in purgatory to heavenly peace. This beautiful act of intercession highlights the unity of the Church: those in heaven (triumphant), those undergoing purification (suffering), and those on earth (militant).

Faithful can receive one plenary indulgence per day under the usual conditions. However, an exception is made for prayers offered on behalf of souls in purgatory. If a second act of charity or devotion is performed and Holy Communion is received again that same day, a second plenary indulgence can be gained for the benefit of a deceased soul.

This double indulgence underscores the unity of the Church and the spiritual support we can offer to those in need of purification.

Through prayer, penance, and acts of charity, may we fully embrace the grace of the Jubilee Year and be renewed as true “Pilgrims of Hope.”