Lumen Christi Parish: Annual General Report 2022

22 LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC PARISH Historically, these have been funds for the parish priest to use as an allowance for his financial livelihood, a stipend (small salary) for the assistant priest(s), and his weekly sustenance. After the Second Vatican Council in the early 1960s dioceses were encouraged to establish a central fund to which the proceeds of each parish’s first collection (less their deductions for sustenance needs) was directed and from which stipends were then paid according to an equitable arrangement. In 1984, a central fund known as the Clergy Remuneration Fund was established. Today, this fund provides for a priest’s: • Monthly stipend • Private health insurance • Superannuation contribution This fund also provides a co-contribution towards the financial support of a priest who is on light duties due to ill health or who has retired. Supporting Our Parish A parish is dependent on the generosity of its parishioners to sustain itself and its many charitable and pastoral works. Generally, this support is through two collections at each Sunday Mass. First Collection for the Support of the Clergy Superannuation Health Insurance Stipend If you wish to contribute to this fund, you may do so by: CASH COLLECTION Placing your donation into the first collection at Mass or dropping your donation into the collection boxes at the doors of our churches DIRECT DEPOSIT Lumen Christi Parish BSB: 066 711 Account: 002286 DIRECT DEBIT You can fill out the online form authorising the diocese’s Catholic Development Fund to direct debit the money from your bank account as per the amount and frequency you desire. Visit our parish website: CREDIT CARD Visit our parish website: