Lumen Christi Parish: Annual General Report 2022

23 LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC PARISH Second Collection for Our Parish Community If you wish to contribute to this fund, you may do so by: CASH COLLECTION Placing your donation into the second collection at Mass or dropping your donation into the collection boxes at the doors of our churches DIRECT DEPOSIT Lumen Christi Parish BSB: 066 711 Account: 008056 DIRECT DEBIT You can fill out the online form authorising the diocese’s Catholic Development Fund to direct debit the money from your bank account as per the amount and frequency you desire. Visit our parish website: CREDIT CARD Visit our parish website: Operating Costs Parish Programs Building Debt Parish Staff Car Expenses Diocesan Programs Planned Giving (which comprises envelopes and direct debits) and any loose cash donated at this collection are banked into a parish account which is overseen by your Parish Finance Council. The many costs of running a parish are deducted from this account. Some of the expenses covered include: • Parish operating costs such as insurance, utilities, telecommunications, general maintenance and upkeep of the church, presbytery, buildings and parish property • Any loan debt servicing for parish buildings • Parish pastoral programs • Parish staff salaries including superannuation • Car expenses for the priest(s) in the parish • A Cathedraticum (contribution) to the Bishop towards the costs of running the Diocese (10%). The Envelope Collection is part of the Parish Plan Giving Programme whereby a family chooses to take a set of envelopes for the year, marked with the date for each week, and decides on an agreed amount they will contribute. You can request a set of planned giving envelopes by contacting the parish office on 4211 0500 or email