Lumen Christi Parish: Annual General Report 2022

26 LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC PARISH Christ in You Lumen Christi Pastoral Plan Sometimes we feel that our hands are empty and so we have little or nothing to give. But at the heart of our faith is a deep conviction that God is present and has given each of us gifts which bring us great joy when we share them. These gifts become riches of life when we place them at the service of our community to build up our life together as the Body of Christ. We have these riches because Christ is present within us by his loving grace, a love and a grace that seeks to be shared as a joy for the whole people. In his letter to the Colossians, St Paul writes of the glorious mystery of Christ present within us: “To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). As a parish community, I invite you to join me in prayerful reflection on this beautiful passage from St Paul and focus on the riches of Christ that are in you and in our parish community. To discover these riches will give us hope in the love of Christ and confidence that we have much to offer for the growth of our parish life. As a fruit of this reflection we can ask: how can our riches be shared so that our parish communities of St Francis Xavier, St Brigid, St John Viannney, and Mater Dolorosa can grow together in faith, hope, and love? Further questions that may help our reflection are: What gifts do you have? How can you help others see their gifts? How can we support each other in making these gifts shine for our families, friends, and those we meet in our everyday life? CHRI ST I N YOU LUMEN CHRISTI PARISH PASTORAL PLAN