Lumen Christi Parish: Annual General Report 2022

6 LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC PARISH From the Parish Administrator, Very Rev Bernard Gordon Dear Parishioners, Our annual general report is an opportunity for us to gain a more accurate picture of what our parish has achieved in the past year of 2022. My special thanks to our General Manager, Kevin Galea, for preparing this report. Thank you to Kevin Mehl for ensuring a thorough audit of the parish accounts. In 2022 our Lumen Christi parish quietly consolidated and grew into life after the disruptions of previous years on account of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our normal service of the parish community continued through our extensive Mass timetable, catechists visiting State Schools, our young people participating in the sacramental programme for Confirmation and the Eucharist, reception of new members into our community through RCIA, hospitality by the Catholic Women’s League, visitation of the sick by Fr John Stork and members of our parish community, baptisms, weddings, funerals, education in our parish schools, administration of properties, the beautification of our gardens, care for the needy by the St Vincent de Paul, servers at Mass, musicians and singers, sacristans and cleaners. We also had the joy of a newly ordained priest Fr James Arblaster living and working among us with liveliness and enthusiasm. Last year did have its own unexpected challenges. For example, in the severe storms we experienced much damage was caused by flooding to our parish office. As the situation was investigated other problems were discovered, such as rot in the roof and asbestos, which aggravated the cost