Lumen Christi Parish: Annual General Report 2022

7 LUMEN CHRISTI CATHOLIC PARISH Our Lumen Christi parish community also gave generously throughout 2022. For example, the total of donations to various good causes such as the St Vincent de Paul and to other appeals was $92,658 and contributions to the second collection amounted to $251,408. Thank you all for your continuing financial generosity. And we celebrated three glorious events of community joy: the Parish Dinner, the Parish Schools Carols Evening, and Handel’s Messiah in the Cathedral! While giving thanks for all the blessings we received in 2022, I look forward to working with you this year of 2023 as we deepen our awareness of Christ’s rejuvenating presence among us and develop our Pastoral Plan to place our gifts at the service of others. Very Rev Bernard L Gordon Vicar General & Administrator 2 March 2023 for what became a major work and contributed to the overall deficit for the year of $359,797. Unfortunately, the costs of maintaining our ageing buildings are high and we have been catching up with work that is necessary to ensure proper facilities for staff and parishioners in our worship, work, and service. Such a major financial work is not envisaged for this year as we engage in a time of reflection through the “Christ in You” Pastoral Plan and consider what goals we can set ourselves as a parish community over the next five years. We are working on developing other income streams that will enable the parish to be financially secure and grow in our life and mission into the future. A huge thank you to everyone who has been involved in all the activities that make our parish not just survive but live as a community of deep faith, lively worship, warm welcome, and pastoral service. You make this a parish that bears witness to Christ and provides a place for people from all walks of life to enter the life of our community and meet the living God. My special thanks also to our parish staff for their great work in support of our parish.