Lumen Christi Parish: Annual General Report 2022

Lumen Christi Parish Prayer 4
Auditor Statement 5
From the Parish Administrator, Very Rev Bernard Gordon 6
From the General Manager, Mr Kevin Galea 8
Parish Audit 9
Auditors Management Review 9
Sunday Collections 11
Financial P & L Statement 11
Financial Liability 11
Financial Revenue Charts 12
Financial Expenditure Charts 13
Financial Reports 14
Major Expenditure 14
Parish Appeals & Donations 15
In our Parish Schools 18
Student’s enrolments at St Brigid’s School in 2022. 18
Student’s enrolments at Good Samaritan School in 2022. 19
Sacramental Life in Our Parish 20
Ministry of Catechists in Government Primary Schools 21
Supporting Our Parish 22
First Collection for the Support of the Clergy 22
Second Collection for Our Parish Community 23
Bequest Giving 24
Finance Council appointments 25
Parish Finances 25
Christ in You 26