title 2023cq5dam.web.1280.1280

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Liturgy form for Mass or liturgy celebrated in our Parish

Parish and school Masses require planning, preparation and coordination. The online form "Preparation Checklist for Mass" (below) helps facilitate the planning and preparation, and the resultant Liturgy Outline Checklist provides a formal means of communication and coordination within the parish or school.

Fill out the online form here and upload any draft booklet or PowerPoint presentation, together with the Prayer of the Faithful and any other documentation in the spaces provided on the form. Click on any of the Question Marks located throughout the form to view helpful hints and guidance for completing the form.

Before proceeding to the body of the form, you need to enter a usercode and password. Once your user account is established you may progressively fill out the form in stages, storing it for future completion by pressing "Save Partial Work" at the bottom of the form.

It is not necessary to complete the entire form before submitting it. It is necessary to complete the following sections prior to submitting - Event Details, Person Submitting, General Information, Choices and Music. You can subsequently update your submission with additional information, especially Minister Details, at a later stage.

Immediately after submission you will receive the Liturgy Outline Checklist document, based on the information you have provided. You can use this to communicate your plan with others.

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Mass details

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Start time

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Finish time

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Particular significance

Please provide the reason for the celebration and background material, indicating significant aspects and commemorations for this particular celebration. This information will assist in the preparation of the homily:

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Please list the names and titles of any special guests or visitors who will be present:

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Please provide any relevant information regarding hospitality:

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Car parking

Please provide details of arrangements for car parking for the clergy and parishioners:

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Arrival contact (including contact number)

Please confirm the name and phone number of who will meet the celebrant on arrival:

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Liturgy details

Usually select “Mass of the Day”. In special circumstances, a change of Mass may be requested. Other possible options include Optional Memorials, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, Ritual masses and Masses for the Dead.

For more information, please refer to the Ordo for the current year, and the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, #352-355, 363, and 368-385.

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Choice of Readings

Usually select “Readings of the day”. In special circumstances (e.g. a patronal feast day), a change of readings may be requested. Other possible options include Readings for Optional Memorials, Masses for the Dead, Ritual Masses, Various Needs and Occasions, and Votive Masses. For more information, please refer to the Ordo for the current year, and the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, #357-362.

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Scriptural references and responses

Please provide the scriptural references for the First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, Second Reading, and Gospel, as indicated in the Ordo or Lectionary.

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Please leave blank if there is no second reading.

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Please provide the Missal reference for the preface, and the Missal reference for the eucharistic prayer (e.g. EPIII, or EP for Children II, etc.):

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Concluding Rites

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Music in the Liturgy

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Examples include the Final Commendation in Masses for the Dead or particular Sacramental Rites

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Please provide names of ministers as you are able to, as Bishop Brian likes to acknowledge them.

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Supporting documentation

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Max. file size: 50 MB.

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Max. file size: 50 MB.

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Max. file size: 50 MB

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Max. file size: 50 MB.

Click here to download Liturgy Master template

Please ensure you have filled all required* fields prior to submission - upon successful submission you will receive a confirmation email.

If you have any questions regarding the use of the form and the resulting Liturgy Outline, please contact the parish office on 02 4211 0500, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.