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Contact the Parish Office Staff

rsz brian mascord portrait 4x6Bishop of Wollongong

Brian Gregory Mascord was born in Newcastle NSW on 30 January 1959—the eldest son of Ron and Margaret Mascord (nee Callinan) and older brother to John. He grew up in the parish of St Mary Immaculate Charlestown (now part of the MacKillop Parish incorporating Charlestown, Gateshead and Redhead.) Through the gift of his grandparents, Brian has a close relationship with his extended family.

General enquiries
Lumen Christi Catholic Parish, Wolongong 
Diocese of Wollongong 
PO Box 874 (36 Harbour Street)
Wollongong NSW 2500 Australia
Ph: (02) 42 110500
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.lumenchristi.org.au
Office hours: Monday to Friday (8:30am–2:00pm)