Please ensure you have a valid copy of your child's baptism certificate before beginning. If you do not have a valid copy of your child's baptism certificate, you will need to obtain a copy from the church/parish that the baptism was performed.
Date format required: dd-mm-yyyyPlease use date picker ... below to choose date
St Brigid's Catholic Primary School, Gwynneville
Good Samaritan Catholic Primary School, Fairy Meadow
Local State/Private/Other School
A compulsory parent information session is conducted with the Parish Administrator.
Parents/Caregivers must attend the first information session:
The sponsor chosen should be the person who undertook this role at Baptism, thus emphasising the important link between Baptism and Confirmation and highlighting the function and responsibility of the sponsor (cf canons 892-893). Nonetheless, the option of choosing a special sponsor for Confirmation, other than the baptismal godparent, is not excluded.
The sponsor must be a confirmed practicing Catholic 16years of age or older.
I/we (named below) by submitting this form agree to enrol our daughter/son in the Lumen Christi Parish Confirmation Sacramental Programme for 2025.
Lisa de PaivaPhone: 4211 0506 Email: